May 15, 2020
May 18, 2020DAILY ROUTINE #1
It’s easy these days to stay in bed, watch Netflix, and drift off in a deep couch potato slumber. Naps and Netflix are enjoyable and relaxing for a while. Still, eventually, I found that by the end of a week doing that, I struggled to find motivation during the day to work on projects, spending time with my family, and falling asleep at night. I found a few strategies that work for me and help me avoid that friendly mid-day nap or binge on Netflix (which are inviting), but that won’t help create or maintain successful, productive body energy. It’s challenging to keep your body’s energy going while staying at home all of the time, but here are some of the steps that I’ve found use full and help me!
I’ve started stretching every morning, and I’ve found that it boosts my energy during the day. I find it comforting as a dancer to stay connected to my body, and I may not have access to a studio right now but making an equivalent “works space” at home I found useful. And it doesn’t have to be a large space (I use my living room between my couch and piano). I enjoy ball release in the morning; it helps open and stretch my fuzzy muscles and breath capacity, which has an excellent meditative quality to it as well. I recommend stretching next to a window or door and breathing in the fresh air.
There are plenty of free guided practices as well if that’s your jam, such as Yoga tutorials online as well as free dance classes if you like a more active approach. I may not be able to do many dance exercises in that confined space, but I can stretch, breathe, and center myself for the day ahead of me.
Getting fresh air always makes me feel that my system is regenerating. Staying confined in one place can make it feel quite lonely and small, but being able to go outside changes up the atmosphere. It’s nice to go on a nature walk and look at your surroundings and breath in the fresh air. You might encounter some neighbors too; sure, you have to stay 6 feet apart from people, but it’s also lovely to send a smile someone’s way and wish them a good day. Who knows you might even meet a new friend?
I know this one sounds cheesy, but moving in a way I love always brightens my day for you that might be playing a sport, juggling, or climbing trees. For myself, I love playing my favorite party dancing music and having a mini dance party just for myself. I enjoy dancing with my headphones on – BLASTED TO THE NINES, or taking over the stereo system for a bit and dancing with my family, which will result in a couple of laughs, which is always a plus!
I started stretching before I went to bed as well and found it implements a proper cool down to end my day. Stretching before made it easier to fall asleep with a relaxed body and centered mind. It’s nice to breathe, center, and reflect on your day before going to bed, calms the mind. I also always wake up the next morning with less tension in my body.
Let us know if we missed one of you favourite health steps in your day!