January 18, 2021TEA TIME
February 2, 2021Creating A Space
What is space?
- A continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.
- The dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.
- Everything around us always.
One of the biggest struggles with online school is the environment you take it in. It’s easy for it to feel disconnected when you work out of your house or even a dorm room. There is more than just the physical space around you to worry about when choosing a location. You also should be aware of the mental responsibility space holds as well.
Your environment can affect you a lot. The way you think, the way you look, how you even dress. Trying to do work from home can be challenging, especially if you’re not used to producing work in that environment. If you associate your home with relaxation and a break from the outside world, bringing your work home can appear quite jarring to your surrounding and mentality.
Everyone preserves space differently. We all have our own preferences of aesthetics, organization, and functionality. Figuring out those definitions for yourself will increase how well you can work with ease in your environment.
Make the space your own. Surround it with things you enjoy. I am currently collecting plants and creating a plant wall for my own enjoyment. Surrounding myself with nature makes my space feel more expansive and alive.
Are you feeling a little claustrophobic? Do you have a window nearby? Maybe face your desk looking out the window, so it can allow you to have the sense of more space and surroundings.
Have a specific space
Have somewhere in your home that you “go-to” for work. For me, that’s my desk. Whenever I am working at my desk, I know it is work-related. I reserve desk time for essay writing, zoom conferences, and emails. If your give works a specific location in your space, you can leave it there and not carry it with you throughout your home.
Do you have everything you need?
Ensure all of the physical materials you use for work are in the space you choose. Minimize the need to run around your home by having everything you need close by.
Can you actually work in the space you have currently? If not, how can you change it?
I live in a tiny studio apartment, and I am happy to say I have figured out a way to make it functional for my education and wellbeing.
I have a desk that I work at and take Zoom conference calls from
My kitchen/living area is relatively small, but I can arrange the furniture so that I have open floor space to stretch and practise dance. The room may be minimal, but its space regardless.
If you work with the things you have and don’t focus on all the things you don’t have, it makes you appreciate your space even more. Make your space something you love, and it will be even more pleasant to spend time in it.