July 11, 2020TUESDAY’S TEA
July 14, 2020So you’ve had a blog for two months… what’s that like?
Lauren – I feel that it’s so ingrained into my daily routine – maybe it’s because I can’t perceive time too well, but it feels like a breeze. Full of adventure, stories and incredible people we met along the way.
Eunice – Two months does not feel that long but the devotion to this company and our commitment to it has made it feel like we have done this longer than two months. It feels like we are continuing to recreate our branding as we learn different skills along the way and as soon as I feel like we have exhausted all ideas we come up with another one. And that’s the beauty of being a creator.
Why an Emerging Artists focused blog?
Eunice – Why not a blog? I find writing your thoughts and documenting your work this way to be kind of historical in the way that we can look back at our initial work with appreciation. We felt that creating a website was a fantastic way to center the focus on Emerging Artists as a hub of stories. Story-telling was and still is the main focus of our youthled blog and sharing the stories of up and coming artists is the core purpose.
Lauren – We originally wanted to create a YouTube channel where we would feature skits, as well as interview professionals in our theatre community. When the pandemic hit, that completely changed our story. I was evicted by residence services and had to move back to Calgary. So, starting the dream of the YouTube channel we had envisions got altered into a blog
What are some challenges with creating work online?
Lauren – Sticking to a schedule and putting out daily content can be challenging. Sometimes I wish I could work on stories longer but at the end of the day you need a product to share.
Eunice – The unknown of it all and whether people will care about what you are sharing. You know getting people to be invested in the work was a challenge. And for me, it was figuring out the formatting or aesthetic we were going for and learning how to navigate creating a website.
What did you discover about yourself?
Eunice – I really enjoyed making myself uncomfortable by learning new skills that I wouldn’t have tried this early in my career. I have learned that I have a specific process around work, or a way of doing things that gives order to my life and when it comes to a partnership I need to learn to adapt and communicate better with what that is and we learned each other’s rhythm and now we work seamlessly.
Lauren – I discovered how much I like a schedule and routine to follow haha.Besides that the main thing I’ve noticed is I’ve been a lot more courageous about sharing my story, thoughts and art with the public and my peers. It takes a lot of bravery to share your opinion and thoughts on the internet.
Shakespeare’s hunnies? Where did that come from?
Lauren – We had a list of names – most of them ridiculous. I wish we saved them so we could share them with you. But they are lost in my memories.
Eunice – We made a list of names and that one felt the catchiest….
A look at our daily content
Where do you see the blog in 5 years?
Eunice – OOOH…..In 5 years hopefully we will have a lot more subscribers reading our content and that it will become more than a blog but a hub for other creators to go to for source of information. Also by that time we will both have graduated from our respective programs and be in a different place in our lives and I hope the blog reflects that growth. The blog will forever be part of our journey and that’s awesome!
Lauren – What a fun question. I know Eunice and I are going to be so evolved in the theatre community, which is exciting. I hope as professionals we continue to share our stories and share tips to the new generation of emerging artists and help in as many ways as we can.
What’s the next upcoming project?
Lauren – A couple exciting things…Who knows you might be seeing a short film from us soon… keep an eye out for that!
Eunice -: Our podcast is the next project that I am looking forward to because we are both speakers and we love hearing ourselves talk! (And we hope you do too…)
How can people contact you? Why should they?
Lauren – Yes! If you have a story to share or a memory to cherish we will help you amplify your voice in the community. The core of Shakespeare’s hunnies is to connect the arts community in every way we can, so hearing what you love and what you hate is very helpful.
Eunice – Please do! We’re a youthled and created company and that in itself is pretty impressive. I think you should follow us because we are going to cover a lot of questions and topics that you would not receive in a typical class setting things that professional artists learned along the way. We want to make your theatre career one that has less barriers.
And you are one click away from doing it already..look at the CONTACT US button right below!