August 14, 2020TUESDAY’S TEA
August 20, 2020Taking Reminders to Increase Efficiency
Taking reminders for specific events and feelings can be very helpful. Sometimes emotions come up and distract us from doing our regular day efficiently– drama, nerves, dreams etc. Sometimes a little reminder of your current task, goals, and general surroundings can be beneficial.
It can be really easy not to find the motivation to work right now. The world is changing every day, which can make motivation harder to come by. I find when pairing work with constant reminders, and imagination, it dramatically increases my efficiency.
Remind yourself to be present in what you’re doing.
Sometimes our mind can drift from our current objective. We daydream -we’re human. Acknowledge the daydream and rope yourself back into reality, the moment, that’s the trick. I find if you have an objective or goal you can use as a mantra to get back into your groove can be very helpful. For example, I’m writing this blog right now, but I can’t stop thinking about this person that I find EXTREMELY attractive at the moment. Like I mean, WOW take me now. Lol. Anyway, I have to bring myself back to reality, and I remind myself I’m writing this blog, and I only have so much time to complete it. Which brings me to my next point…
Giving yourself a timer to complete a task.
Racing against the clock turns any common task into an exciting race to the finish line! The element of time automatically reminds you that there is a constant goal. And if you find timing yourself too daunting, make another metaphorical timer. You can do 30min, an hour, to an entire day or maybe a week. But whatever you pick, you must hold true. If you keep extending the timer, it defeats the purpose.
Find your task inspiring.
I hope whatever you may be working on right now inspires you. If not, there are many tricks to make it inspiring. Looking at your task from a more creative angle, which will always make the job more fun. If your waiting tables and your costumers are irritating the hell out of you, imagine their gummy bears or something. Ha. Could you imagine? That would be so fun. There’s another daydream slipping in.
These are just some tricks that help me, take them or leave them. Or continue daydreaming! Omg, I miss daydreaming so much, and this blog also reminded me how I haven’t been doing it that much lately.
So, remind yourself to take a break every now and then!
At the end of the day, there is so much more to appreciate in the world than just work. And let yourself daydream of beautiful men or women or whatever you are into. Feel free to dream and dream and dream some more! Just remind yourself to come back to earth at the end.
We hope you find these tips helpful! let us know if we missed one that you think we should share!